New News Dec 18

December 18, 2022


As we said in our last update the lawsuit has been filed and there has been some movement.  We do not want to create false hopes, it will still take a minimum of two years before we possible see any results, the movement is considered positive by our attorneys.  Unfortunately, we can’t provide any other information regarding the discussions on the advice of our attorneys. We will provide updates as the case moves along.

As we approach the end of a turbulent year that has been full of surprizes we would like to ask you to remember the New Buffalo Shoreline Alliance when considering year end contribution to your favorite charities.  The NBSA is a 501 C 3 corporation with contributions being fully deductible.  Our operating expenses are minimal but still need funding. The Board of Directors does not take any money for its services. We appreciate any consideration that can be given to the NBSA.Donations can be made by check to New Buffalo Shoreline Alliance, PO Box 425, New Buffalo, MI. 49117 or at or website,

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Your Board of Directors